Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sept 12th, 2010

1) Bethanechol
- clinically: used for ileus and urinary retention
- action: activates smooth muscle in Bowel to push feces out, and destrusor muscle of Bladder to push urine out.

- bethanechol = BeThinAndCall
 Think of a horse jockey. They are notorious for losing weight (ie. using diuretics). So, they would be taking BeThinAndCall.
When you want to lose weight, you want to lose as much urine and feces as possible.

Think of a horse jockey in a race. He's desperate to win, so he starts taking BeThinAndCall, thus urinating and excreting to lose weight and Become Thin. He Calls out as he charges past other contenders.

Or, an alternative: think of a horse jockey in the toilet taking BeThinAndCall before a big race, eliminating his feces and urine, thus Becoming Thin. While he urinates or excretes, he is calling
(ie. the noises you make when you go to the washroom)

2) Carbachol
- clinically: glaucoma
- action: decreasing intraocular pressure

- Carbachol = CarbsAndAlcohol
- think of Carbs in Alcohol (ie. slice of pizza in a bottle of beer). That's got to give you a killer sleep! If you've noticed, when you take a nap or feel tired, your eyes get really watery. Watery eyes = decreasing fluid from eyes, thus decreasing ocular pressure.

3) Pilocarpine
- clinically: glaucoma
- action: decrease intraocular pressure (by contraction of ciliary muscle and circular muscle of iris)

- Pilocarpine = PillowOfCarps
Imagine you are sleeping on a Pillow of Carps (type of big fish). Again, when you're sleeping, your eyes get watery. Watery eyes = decreasing fluid from eyes, thus decreasing ocular pressure.

Or think of the hungry carps desperate for some water. They are suffocating in the pillow and suck at your eyes to get at the liquid for their gills.

Brain and CNS disturbances are common side effects. You are sleeping on a PillowOfCarps...can't be too comfortable for your head, thus it affects your brain.


  1. For Carbachol, maybe "CareBearCall" will work somehow.

  2. Excellent. Excellent!
    I really loved them especially BeThinAndCall and the pillow idea.
    Thanks Sanjai and although I'm having a hard time to come up with a good mneumonics, I'll try and post tonight.
    Thanks man,

  3. Yeah...let's keep plugging through!

    Mnemonics don't have to be good. That's why we have the team here to comment!

    I was wondering who DRugs was for the longest time LOL...David will find a mnemonic for those we can't think of ; )

  4. i love this, this is great, where can i find more, would help alot in nursing
